Our DBA is oriented towards the student success and recognition. Indeed, the value of a doctorate degree, compared to other degrees, is not based on the university / college / business school ranking or reputation, but on the recognition of the research work of the student.
At Riviera University, our DBA is only research based, all webinars and online classes (face to face via a platform with a lecturer) are geared towards helping the student with his research, with courses and advices on research methodology, viva, statistic and questionnaire methodology...
We also have a compulsory stage which is to write and publish a research paper during the studies : the student is then recognized as a researcher and a member of the research community, as his name will appear in research engines such as google scholar and research gate.
With us, you can be proud to earn the title of "Dr" , as between your thesis and your published article(s) you will be recognized by your peers and you will bring an added value to your career.
Depending your experience and qualifications, you may be entitled to a scholarship of up to 30% of the DBA fees Since it is a fully research based doctorate, you can start any month of the year.
Latest Thesis published by our doctorate students :
Factors influencing lifelong learning among working women in the private sectors of Malaysia
by Shamini Sachithanandan October 2024
The push factors affecting organizational performance in Malaysia mediated by employee productivity
by Sritaran Deevendran October 2024
Suppliers selection criterias of Penang local restaurants
by Nor Azlina Mohd Luding October 2024
Development of a model for analysing an international school market segment
by Kenneth Tuttle Wilhelm October 2024
Gouvernance des banques centrales et résultats economiques : état de l’art et idiosyncrasie congolaise
by Bobo B. Kabungu August 2023
Privatisation du transport ferroviaire en RDCongo dans une stratégie de diversification des activités pour un partenariat public-privé
by Nzenza Mpangu François Michée August 2023
Gestion de changement de l’agriculture en République Démocratique du Congo. Quelle politique agricole pour la sécurité alimentaire : Etude diagnostique de la province du Kwilu
by Ngadiba Kilumba Rodolphe August 2023

Prof. Dr. Olivier Cane
Kedge Business School (Grande Ecole Chapter)
PhD, DBA, Master in Management, BBA, Bachelor of Arts
International Lecturer in Management
CEO of The French Academy, Owner of Riviera University, Senior Director of Genovasi University College
Academic domains
Entrepreneurship, Cross-cultural Management, Luxury retail, Marketing and digital marketing
Some of his publications:
Are We Born Entrepreneur or Do We Become Entrepreneur?. Cane, Olivier, and Seah Kok Wah. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior 3.4 (Oct 2021).
The awareness of health danger with the usage of smartphone among the young generation”, Cane Olivier (2020), International Journal of Business Marketing and Management, Volume 5, issue 6, (June 2020)
The evolution of Tribal marketing within social networks: how the community marketing and community brands have evolved in social media?. Cane Olivier., Bellag, N., & Fukada, H. L.. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior, Vol. 2, Issue 5 (2020) 23-34.
Engagement of Employees in an Over-Supply Shopping Malls Market: Is Professional Training Part of the Solution? A Preliminary Study Among Retail Shops in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Olivier Cane, Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior, Vol. X, Issue X (2016) P-P
No Malaysia is not ready yet to be a developed country. Essay, published on LinkedIn
1,399 views, Nov. 2017
The truth behind Harvard Professor Pritchett affirmation that Malaysian graduates are on the same level as Danish high school dropouts. Essay, published on LinkedIn, more than 17,000 views, March 2017
Sharing a Traditional Chinese meal before a negotiation : a frightening effectiveness
published on LinkedIn Sept 2018
Dr. Sharareh Shahidi Hamedani
Guest Lecturer at IPAM Lisbon
Market Researcher and Magazine Contributor for Fastener World Inc, Taiwan
Ries Strategy Positioning Coaching and Mentoring
B2B Matchmaking investor trainer Konfu Enterprise Co., Ltd. (Taiwan)
Academic domains
Service quality, Human Resources, Job performance, Consumer behaviour, International trade and
automotive industry
Some of her publications:
The Impact of Internal Service Quality on Job Performance in Service Industry: The case of IT Firms.” The 9th International Management & Accounting Conference (IMAC) Putrajaya, Malaysia 2018: Revolutionizing Management and Governance for Industry 4.0”. Nov.2018
“Exploring Internal Services Quality Influence on Job Performance.” The 19th MIICEMA Conference “The Future of Disruptive Innovation to Strengthen Competitive Advantages in Economics, Management and Accounting”. Indonesia Oct.2018
“Brand Personality Moderate Relationship Between Website Quality and Online Trust, Case Study of Malaysian Online Environment” Asian Social Science Magazine June 2014
Article Under Revision
Bridging Operations and Behaviour: A study on the moderating effect of supervisor political skills onto internal service quality and job performance” Journal of Service Theory and Practice